
A picture to remember

When she was in hospital the doctor had used the same word: "lucky". (p.39)

「a picture to remember あらすじ」の画像検索結果     Christina loves art and works for the important museum. She got excited to be in charge of the new exhibition with Impressionist paintings. When she drives her motor bicycle, she saw bank robbers in the next car. She was afraid and falls down. She is taken to a hospital and it takes time to wake up. After leaving the hospital, she starts preparing for the exhibition, but the bank robbers go after her. Sometimes she is in danger, but she doesn't notice it because she can't remember the memory of the accidents...

     This is Cambridge English Readers series. It is more interesting than other stories because two different stories are going together. First one is the accident and bank robbers. second one is love of Christina and Philip, another museum's representative. In the middle of the book, the two stories' plots are matched. I'm sure you enjoy reading it.

Scott-Malden Sarah. (1999). A picture to remember. Cambridge; Cambridge.


1 件のコメント:

  1. I haven't read this book yet...I don't like memory loss story, but I am interested in how her memory affects the story's development. I know your view about book is interesting, so I am looking forward to reading the book which you recommended.
