
BR 3-9: A Tale of Two Cities

Image result for a tale of two cities macmillan     
     We're back to the time of 1775 to 1792 when wars and revolutions occurred and congested in the world. Two cities are Paris, France and London, England. In Paris, people had strong desire to govern the nation by themselves, and executed aristocrats who had powerful authorities and made others frightened. In 1776, there was a revolution in which people want to be independent from the England and created their own country, the United States of America. 

I am going to die. But Lucie and Charles are going to live. (p.62) 

     While the full tide of challenging movement kept, there is a tragic story ( for a man). Charles Darnay is from France and has another name, Charles St Evremonde whose name shows he is an aristocrat. He often visits the England to do his business. One day, a man is stopped by an officer because he goes back and forth between the England and France many times, which makes him a spy unfortunately. He is in court and everyone thinks this man is Charles Darnay from his appearance. However, Sydney Carton, who is like Charles appears and his crime gets well. After that, Charles get married to Lucie who Sydney has longed to love, and they become parents. In 1789, French people are sensitive to be equal citizen and remove the power of aristocrats. Charles is also an upper-class man and sent to a jail with his wife and child.  Sydney gets the news that Charles's wife is also forced to wait for guillotine and separated from her family. Therefore, he makes a plan to go into the jail instead of Charles and make Charles, his wife and his child take to the England. 
     There can be seen two perspectives; unfair individual point and historical background. Like Charles, not every aristocrats had kept their power strongly until those incidents happened. However, the social current go together, focusing on a peaceful society among lower class people. 

Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. (2005). Oxford; Macmillan Publisher Limited. 

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