
BR 3-13: Go, Lovely Rose and other stories

Hi there. Christmas Day is approaching. Have you arranged any special plan with your friend or family? When it comes to Christmas Day, an image of love comes to my mind, therefore I'll talk about loving story from a father's perspective.

Image result for go lovely rose'Too young to go away by herself,' he thought crossly. (p.4)

     Every beautiful moon night, Mr Carteret is suffered from a strange feeling. He and his wife has a adorable daughter, Susie. Every one says their daughter is so matured that she can go anywhere on her decision and date with a handsome guy. However, as often the case with ordinary fathers, Mr Carteret doesn't want to admit his daughter has grown up to a great lady and soon possibly leaves them. At one cozy night, the undesirable thing happens for him. His daughter is not at home, and he is getting uneasy and starts pacing about in the street. He sees a car coming nearer and nearer and stopping in front of him. A nice man shows up from the car and says his daughter dines supper out with his family and forgot time. The man apologizes him so politely calling Mr Carteret sir. He is getting feel somewhat comfortable and realizes that his daughter has eyes to choose an appropriate man. After all, his concerns disappear. 
     Do you think what is got with you? Of course, yes!! As we get from the story, every parent is concerned that when, where and who is with you all the time. However, their deep thought can not be touched easily because they tend to stay calm and not upset as usual. What I can tell you when you hang out with someone on Christmas Day until midnight is tell your parents something better to make them reassured beforehand. 

 Bates, H. E. Go, Lovely Rose. (1989). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 

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