

Today I read RAIN MAN,YL 3.2 book from Penguin Readers series. This story is brother's love. Charlie's father died and someone was going to get the money who Charlie wasn't. Charlie was angry and tried to get the money. As he looked for someone, he came across Raymond, his brother. Raymond was autistic and great ability to memorize something. Charlie had never known his brother and Raymond was RAIN MAN, Charlie's friend in his mind. As they spent longer and longer, Charlie wanted to spend longer and longer. He thought that it was more important to love just brother than to get money.
Althogh Raymond wasn't good at expression, he loved his brother. Readers can feel true love between family.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Peguin Readers
    Penguin Readers

  2. I think brother's love is very important.

  3. I have watched RAIN MAN in the movie before.I was surprised about Raymond's ability to memorize too.
