
SLA Junior Seminar 4: Wonder

To me, though, I'm just me. An ordinary kid. (p.306) 

Amazon | Wonder | Palacio, R J | Self-Esteem & Self-Respect

     'Do not judge a book by the cover.' It is one of my precept that should be kept in my mind whoever I see all the time. On top of that, Wonder left me additional important question. That is 'What is the normal?' 

     It is proceeded by several characters' view in the whole story. Aggie, the protagonist is a normal boy with a little different face from other children. He has several handicaps with his eyes, ears and other parts of his face, therefore has overcome hard surgeries many times since he was a baby. Because of the surgeries, he has scars on his face, which is also his mental handicap. Although he has common hobbies and ideas like other boys at the same age have, he has never been to school till his mother took him to Beecher Prep. His totally different school life changes him in a good way and gives other students stimulation. 

     In the story, his mother tells him all of the scars are his road that he walked. ( I watched the movie also) I think there could be a better teaching from his mother when he is going to the next step. What we can learn from this is it is essential to change your point of view positively. I believe everyone has at least one weak point or difficulty. Though it is not necessarily appropriate to insist that all of them are just small or trivial things, most of people do not care about them much more than you do. Do not bully with your ideal too much, and do think of enjoying yourself. 

Palacio. J. R. Wonder. (2012) UK; Corgi Books 

2 件のコメント:

  1. I'm really interested in this book. Sometimes I think my idea is not good and I don't like myself. However, if I read this book, it is possible to think many things more positively. Thank you for your recommendation!

    1. Thanks for sharing your story, Risa!! I think like in Japan, homogeneous country, people tend to behave and wear the same as other people, but if we go abroad, a variety of ethnicity is there, and then it will make us consider of normality and identity again.
