
英語教育講義⑤ The effective and meaningful way of learning

What is valuable input for myself? 
It is essential to let my brain expose to large amount of input from books, audio, and other materials. In the process of doing it, I should find what field I am interested in, and the reason to keep my motivation high. On top of that, today's class makes me realize we need to limit to simple material. Yoshii sensei said they are supposed to be almost comprehensive.

Continuous and step-by-step output....
I and seminar members began self-talk every day, and in the last seminar, we did catch-up and gave each the feedback. Some of them record it as a short video and some write down what is in mind on a diary. Since we are English learners in non-native speaking country, it is vital to make opportunities to speak up and convey messages in English voluntarily. Therefore, this attempt is a wonderful idea to look back what I do now and make free time in between somethings practical time. 

The links below is what I'm taking now into my learning routine. The repeating after someone talking or paraphrasing are harder than I thought. However, it will teach me the way of thinking in English as native speakers normally do. 


1 件のコメント:

  1. It is nice that you found your new method of learning English. I hope that works well for your improvement. (Koyo)
