
英語教育講義⑦ What we do now!! 2

Changing my attention to the mouth...
Today the latter part of students shared their ways of learning English. Among them, I was so curious about the use of movies and other visual materials. One of the girls introduced how to improve listening skill with foreign movies. She was told by her teacher that it is more comprehensible to catch the words by pay attention to the actors' mouth movement. I often find at loss when watching movies in English, in particular, the actors become emotional. Therefore, I was satisfied with her suggestion to understand the words and facial expression at the same time. 

Learning partners support you!!
The other I clearly remember is to make learning partners to give and take some information about the interest. From my personal experience, it is effective to maintain our motivation high and support you when you have difficulties. Outside university, I have English learning partner. She is also interested in international affair and communicating with people in English, and we often join discussion and communicating events together. She is two years older than me, and have fruitful experience abroad. Therefore, when I have questions in learning English or organizing events in students committee, she always help me get rid of any concern. I recommend you make a partner who gives you advice and consult. 

1 件のコメント:

  1. Yes, having some motivated friends can provide you with a lot of advantages. Keep that relationship and make it broader and broader.
