
The Mill on the Floss

Today I read The Mill on the Floss, YL 1.6 from Macmillan Readers series.
Maggie Tulliver is beautiful and intelligent. But she is lonely and unhappy. Philip Wakem loves her. But she cannot meet him. The Tullivers and the Wakems are enemies. Then Maggie meets Stephen Guest. They fall in love. But Stephen is going to be married to Maggie’s cousin.
When she was a child, she loved Philip, an ugly man. He was so happy to meet her secretly. He did’t forget  her and he has never forget her. As she grow, she loves another man, Stephen, her cousin’s boyfriend. She doesn’t betray her cousin, so she doesn’t see him, but in her mind, she loves him. They boat and go away from their town. She was is worried about her cousin and blame her. One day, people have heavy rain and must leave their house. Maggie escape disaster with her brother, but they can’t live.

Maggie has fell in love with two men in her life. You can feel her love and conflict. I want you to read it in summer.
「the mill on the floss cambridge」の画像検索結果

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